Occupying the corner of Chesterville and Cochranes Rd in Moorabbin, the original yellow brick construction accommodated a modest administration team and the early production facilities. This was the first Philip Morris site outside of the USA and was backed by a USD$2m investment (equivalent to AUD$40m today).
In the mid 1970’s new construction commenced on the site to expand the production and storage capacity, as well as new buildings to support the growing team.
The eastern wing was added in the mid 1990’s and the building underwent a refurb to accommodate the changing needs of the corporate and administration teams.
In 2018, after Up Property’s acquisition, the team stripped the building back to it’s original fabric and refurbished to a standard unprecedented for the Moorabbin area.
This two Storey office building with approx. 5000 sqm of net lettable area offers high ceilings, an abundance of natural light and luxe staff amenities to suit. M1 is currently occupied by 5 tenants, in suites from 250 - 2000 square metres.