  • Opening Hours

    • Mon-Fri9:30am - 5pm
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  • SBM

    SBM is a full-service marketing communications agency backed with powerful production capabilities. In addition to our marketing capabilities, SBM provides photo, content, and video solutions for some of the best-known Australian brands and retailers. We shoot in 15 state-of-the-art studios in Sydney and Melbourne or on location. We have a team of talented photographers, set builders, stylists, and editors, and offer some unique extras like custom set building on-site, a professional sound studio, as well as a huge selection of props, wall, window, and floor panels for your shoot. Whether you need still shots, video, dynamic content, stop-motion, or animation we have the solution for you!

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lighting, indoors, room, studio, architecture, building
indoors, architecture, building, person, corridor, hallway, clothing, coat
floor, architecture, building, indoors, house, housing, loft, room, lighting, flooring
indoors, interior design, furniture, table, architecture, building, foyer, door, living room, room